Interested in a mobile app that doesn’t require months of custom development and iOS and Android update headaches?
We can handle it, and it’s easy!

Like building a website, we need to plan what features and pages you want. Here are some ideas:
- Your calculator, of course!
- Client-specific information (e.g. for sellers, for buyers, for REALTORS®, for lenders)
- Stage-specific information (e.g. pre-closing, post-closing, awaiting certain documents)
- FAQs (how proceeds get filed to the IRS, which parties can pre-sign, owner vs lender title insurance)
- Driving directions just makes sense
- Social profiles to grow your following and encourage repeat business
- Push notifications, email templates, or Facebook Messenger to avoid simple phone calls
- Embed any page from your actual website
We also want to make sure we think through the user experience so anyone using the app can find the information they need right away, ensuring they enjoy using your app and recommending it to others.
For a basic mobile app, as described above, we charge $500 setup and $75 per month to account for any of your minor change requests (e.g. updated phone number or logo) and keeping up with the app store requirements.
You should also be prepared to pay the Apple App Store ($99/yr) and Android Play Store ($25 one-time) account fees. This makes your app appear published by you, not us, since we don’t feel the need for our name to appear at the top of your app listing. Plus, Apple recommends the organization behind each app be the name displayed as publishing the app.
Mobile app pricing is in addition to your Closing Cost Calculator subscription.